Sunday, November 3, 2013


What I believe 
turned out 
quite simple.
I believe we are connected,
one being.
I like to imagine
each of us are but one expression 
of an infinite number 
of possible expressions.
We may be similar,
but each of us are a unique part
of the dynamic whole.
We come from and we go back
to the place 
with one conscious.
I believe it is beautiful there.
I believe it can be,
and often is,
beautiful here.
I believe life would improve
if lived genuinely,
if lived with integrity,
if lived willfully,
with purpose.

I find beauty and hope in these thoughts. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013



in my dreams we are always holding hands
palm to palm
we solve all the problems 
we talk it all out 
our eyes clear
as our lips drip with honesty
connection is made
and my want